
EduSurferz has always been a proud achiever, have a look at some of our achievements;

Scholarships Awarded

Education abroad is no doubt expensive, but our students have the highest rate of achieving institutional scholarships. A great deal of scholarships can provide you a chance to live your dreams on the expenses of Swedish government. Although these scholarships are available solely on merit and you can be the one fulfilling the requirements. This life-changing learning experience will bring to you further opportunities to go ahead and explore the world.

MoU Between Linnaeus University & Quaid-e-Azam University

Edusuferz is elated with joy, succeeding in yet again joining Sweden and Pakistan with Academic Memorandum of understanding. The Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University (LNU), Sweden and the Department of Computing, School of Engineering & Computer Sciences (SECS), NUST, Pakistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for academic exchange and cooperation.

MoU Between Linnaeus University & NUST University

EduSurferz has played a pivotal role in connecting Swedish institutes with well-known institutes of Pakistan. Our biggest milestone is MoU signed between Linnaeus University (Sweden) and Quaid-e-Azam University (Pakistan) for academic exchange and partnership.

ICEF Qualified & Attendee

ICEF is a leading source of market intelligence for the international student recruitment industry offering online and in-person networking events, support for education agents and market intelligence services, that facilitates outstanding international student experiences. EduSurferz is always attending to represent Pakistan and is also an ICEF loyal attendee and a qualified student recruitment agency.

WEBA World Qualified Recruitment Agency

WEBA World Annual Workshops and Fairs give opportunities to meet with quality recruitment agents from all over the world, and also to meet and recruit international students directly from all over the world. EduSurferz is always attending to represent Pakistan and is also a WEBA world qualified recruitment agency.

SI (Swedish Institute) Qualified Educational Firm

The Swedish Institute is a public educational agency that encourages interest and trust in Sweden around the world. operates in the fields of culture, education, science and business in seeking to strengthen ties and promote development, operating with offices in Stockholm and Paris. EduSurferz is the only firm from Pakistan that is SI qualified.

Study Group Qualified Educational Firm

Study Group continues to break new grounds in the international education sector, with a relentless focus on international student needs, and a drive for growth in the modern education age. Study Group also operates International Study Centers in several universities within UK and other European countries, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Its headquarters is located in Brighton, UK. EduSurferz is proudly qualified to work with StudyGroup